Flight Reviews
Every two years, the FAA requires pilots to complete a flight review consisting of a minimum of an hour of ground training reviewing relevant sections of Part 91 and an hour of flight training. You should think of the Flight Review as an opportunity to learn something new and to renew skills and knowledge that may have become rusty. Most flight reviews take about 4 hours total, with about 1.5 hours for the ground training, 2 hours of flight training, and 30 minutes for a de-brief and endorsement at the end.
The Flight Review is for you so to get the most out of the time, tell me what you want to learn, review, or practice. If you are an instrument rated pilot, I would expect that there will be a good deal of instrument related flight training requested, such as learning about GPS, WAAS, DME Arcs, Glass Panels, Coupled Approaches, etc. If you are a private pilot, maybe you would like to review airspace, practice emergency procedures or short field take-offs. Whatever, you need and want, just complete this Fight Review Plan and Checklist (PDF) and e-mail it back to me at dave@takeflightsandiego.com.